Public Lectures, Papers & Scientific Presentations (selection)
2019. “Epistemic Authority: Reason and Language in Plato and Fricker”, Power and Knowledge, International Symposium, Uppsala University (Sweden).
2018. “Know Your Place: Power and Authenticity in Plato’s Alcibiades I”, Plato’s Alcibiades Revisited, International Conference, Cambridge (UK).
2018. “Herdsmen and Stargazers: The Science of Philosophy in Plato’s Statesman”, World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing (China).
2018. “Democratic Anarchy: The Power of Drama in Plato’s Statesman”, Democracy and Its Rivals: Plato’s Statesman and Laws, International Symposium, Bergen (Norway).
2018. “Tragic Voices: Socrates and the Etymology of ‘Hermes’”, Language and Reality in Ancient Philosophy, University of Groningen (Netherlands).
2017. “Commerce, Theft and Deception: The Etymology of Hermes in Plato’s Cratylus”, XI International Plato Symposium: Cratylus, Prague (Czech Republic).
2017. “Politics of the Voice: Writing & Speaking in Plato’s Phaedrus”, Paideia, Power and Persuasion: Political Thinking in and around Plato, International Symposium, Bergen (Norway).
2017. “The Tragedy of Language in Plato’s Cratylus”, Uppsala (Sweden).
2016. “The Language of Illusory Wisdom: Plato and Self-Understanding in an African context”, CECTRRA, Abuja (Nigeria).
2015. “Myth, Language and Self-Understanding in Plato’s Sophist”, Plato and Poetry Workshop, Athens (Greece).
2015. “Socrates’ Failure: Language and Lies in Plato’s Apology”, International Symposium, Bergen (Norway).
2015. “The Legacy of Hermes: Deception and Dialectics in Plato’s Cratylus”, Bergen (Norway).
2014. “Fighting Shadows: On the Language of Politics in Plato’s Apology”, Plato and Poetry Workshop, Athens (Greece).
2014. ”Dangerous Voices: Written and Spoken Discourse in Plato’s Protagoras”, International Symposium, Bergen (Norway).
2014. ”The Hazards of the Voice: On Human Trust in Discursive Proficiency in Plato”, Bergen (Norway) .
2014. ”Idle Talk: On Dialectic and Rhetoric in Plato’s Protagoras”, Plato and Rhetoric, International Conference, Keio University (Japan).
2014. ”Hazardous Intercourse: Rhetoric, Poetry and Dialectic in Plato’s Protagoras”, Uppsala (Sweden)
2013. ”Written and Spoken Discourse in Plato’s Protagoras”, Bergen (Norway).
2013. ”Plato’s Republic and the Ring of Gyges”, Bergen (Norway).
2013. ”Platon och Poesin”, Forskning pågår – Antikens filosofi, National Workshop, Uppsala (Sweden).
2012. ”Reason and Appetite: The Psychology of Political Reluctance in Plato’s Republic”, Appetite, Voluntariness and Virtuous Action: A Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, Uppsala (Sweden).
2010. “Language, Search and Aporia in Plato’s Seventh Letter”, Celebration of World Philosophy Day, Tehran (Iran).
2010. “Becoming Authentic: on Discourse and Deception in Plato’s Phaedrus”, PMP Research Seminar, University of Helsinki (Finland).
2010. “Philosophy and Search in Plato’s Seventh Letter”, Townsend Working Group in Ancient Philosophy, Department of Classics, University of California at Berkeley (USA).
2007. “An Aporetic Notion of the Good – the Republic 505e”, University of Helsinki (Finland).
2007. “Thinking Dead Thoughts: On the Vacuum of Love and the Parents of Eros in Plato and Sarah Kofman”, Åbo Academy (Finland).
2006. “The Escaping Chôra”, The Nordic Phenomenology Symposium, Södertörn University-College (Sweden).